Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair
  • C. Barillot co-Chair of Miccai 2014, Boston MA - Sept 14-18 2014

Scientific events selection

Chair of conference program committee
  • C. Barillot Program Committee Chair of Miccai 2014, Boston MA - Sept 14-18 2014

Member of the conference program committee
  • C. Barillot was area chair of SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing, IEEE ISBI, TPC member of ESMRMb.

  • O. Commowick was TPC member of MICCAI'2014, IEEE ISBI'2014.


Member of the editorial board
  • C. Barillot is member of Editorial Boards of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Medical Image Analysis, Current Medical Imaging Reviews, ISRN Signal Processing and is Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in ICT: Computer Image Analysis.

  • IEEE TIP (CB), IEEE TMI (OC, PM), Medical Image Analysis (CB, SP, OC), NeuroImage (CB, OC), Neuroimage clinical (CB), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (CB), Comput. Med Im & Graph (CB), Comp Meth & Prog in Biomed (CB), IEEE Signal Proc. Let. (CB), Sensors (CB), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (EC), Plos-ONE (CB, EC), IJICT (CB), IJSISE (CB), IJCVR (CB), Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (PM), Neurobiology of Aging (IC).